Water Productivity Improvement in Practice

Ethiopian Construction Design and Supervision Works Corporation

The Ethiopian Construction Design and Supervision Works Corporation (ECDSWCo) is a Public Enterprise, collected of multi-disciplined engineering firm and provides professional services – Water and Energy Sector, Building and Urban Sector, Transport Sector, Geological Investigation and Engineering Works, Dams, irrigation, drainage, water supply, hydropower, integrated water use, integrated river basin development, flood prediction and diversion, water infrastructure, rural development plan and settlement, land use planning.
As the WaterPIP service center in Ethiopia, ECDSWCo has started implementing two activities:

Services to the Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands (MILLs): The case of Abadiska and UAAIE Irrigation Scheme (full report)
  • Actual Evapotranspiration (AET) and Relative Water Deficit (RWD) for different years were computed and a noticeable spatial variability of AET and RWD were observed
  • Two farm plots (Papaya (13 ha) and citrus (27 ha)) consume different amount of water.
  • Water productivity analysis plus irrigation performance assessment based on the aforementioned indicators are ongoing
Ministry of Water and Energy (MoWE), Hydrology and Basin Information CEO, Surface and Ground-water Assessment and Design Desk
  • Seasonal water budget (Wet and Dry seasons) for Rift Valley basins

In the near future we want to extend our services to:

  • More service to the client about the management of irrigation schemes using WaPOR and documenting case studies,
  • To evaluate irrigation schemes and measuring water productivity – specify users to be targeted,
  • To provide advisory services to farmers, government officials, policy makers: this would need to be specified as well,
  • To network with IWMI, FAO, and other service/knowledge hubs

As the Ethiopian knowledge hub, we are implementing two trainings on WaPOR in November 2022, in collaboration with Adama University and Bahir Dar University. The first training will take place from 17-20 November 2022 in Bahir Dar.